Journix by Connor Home

Final Year Project


The aim of this module is to research, design, plan and produce an innovative digital media artefact that will have real impact on the world. Students will learn how to manage their own production environment and develop technical, design and evaluation skills, while continuing to improve time management skills.

The birds and the bees project, by Emily Greenman

Birds x Bees

Emily Greenman

Worth My Earth: campaign to eat meat-free for a day, by Chloe Hammond

Worth My Earth

Chloe Hammond

Drug Talk, by Rebekah Leahy

Drug Talk

Rebekah Leahy

DenFinder project, by Kylie Lee


Kylie Lee

Creative Cumbris project, by Scott Batchelor

Creative Cumbria

Scott Batchelor

SnartByte iPhone app, by Oliver Martin

SmartByte iPhone app

Oliver Martin

Jilbyeong, by Klaudia Szlifinska


Klaudia Szlifinska

xHale app, by Mica Ross Harris


Mica Ross Harris

Anti-truancy campaign, by Hayley Daniels

Anti-truancy Campaign

Hayley Daniels

Mixamu, by Joe Bell


Joe Bell

Connectd - Freelancing Portal, by Josh Johnson


Josh Johnson

Teddy's Sleepover, by Jamie Gargett

Teddy's Sleepover

Jamie Gargett

Kaja Korea, by Julie Dam

Kaja Korea

Julie Dam

CHANGE Microsite, by Emma Woodhouse

CHANGE Microsite

Emma Woodhouse

Journix, by Connor Home


Connor Home